There is an old saying – ‘fail to plan, plan to fail’ and in our industry, it’s so true. We could not just turn up at your business premises, unload the lorries and put together an installation with the hope that it all fits, meets your needs, is within your budget and even works properly. Could you imagine it? We certainly wouldn’t have been around for as long as we have (almost 40 years). That’s why talking is so vital, at every stage.
We know our stuff.
Yes, that sounds like we are being big-headed, but it’s meant with respect. We really do have the experience to chat through your project requirements with sound understanding and knowledge. In our company, we have around 200 years of collective experience of the industry, so there is not much that we have not seen, come up against, and just as importantly solved. So, talking about any worries, from concerns over space to budget limitations is vital.
Our customer service.
We are proud our customer service is second to none. We really do care, after all, without our clients, we wouldn’t have a business. The service flows through every part of the company, from our sales team, engineers and management. You can rest assured that talking to us at every stage of a project, from conception, through to delivery and beyond, we are with you every step of the way. You, our customers, are our focus!
We won’t be unrealistic.
If there is an installation that is not possible, we will look for alternative solutions – we can normally develop another plan that will meet and, in many cases, supersede your requirements. If a project is put before us, that means safety is compromised (and in most cases, you wouldn’t know if it was – that’s our job), then we will not be unrealistic in trying to get around it somehow. We would sit down, explain the situation and stage by stage, evolve another design.
Teamwork talking.
Sitting down and talking with clients and potential clients forms part of our ethos. We strongly believe that collaboration is an extremely important part of a successful project. It’s your project, we are the experts at installing the plant, but together we are a team. It means keeping you in the loop at every step, if it’s all going to plan or if we have hit a snag – you need to know. Together we plan, leading to less if any, production downtime.
Talking quotes.
One thing many people are uncomfortable with is talking money. We know, and you know, that both our businesses rely on financial stability. Don’t be afraid to ask for a quote – and if it is not what you were expecting (good or bad), talk to us about it! We aim to be competitive in the industry and will always respect your budget, so don’t be afraid to raise any concerns with us. As we have said, we are here to help.
Design discussions.
Many of our installations are standard (for us) but for you can be a massive undertaking, in terms of specifications, requirements and productivity. This is why our design discussions are almost at the heart of the project. With our expertise we can assist in the design of the plant, making sure safety is paramount and the installation is easily serviceable. Your requirements for the project form a huge part of the design process, so discussion in this area is needed early.
Overcoming obstacles.
There could be a time when we will both come up against a hurdle we need to get over, to progress to the next stage. This can be early in the project, or even later. Only by working and discussing the obstacle can this be achieved. If we do come up against an issue, we will bring it to the table as soon as possible – being open with our clients is a mainstay. Common examples of obstacles are lack of space, or not having in downtime in current production. These limiting factors are often resolvable through planning and discussion.
Support after installation.
Just because a project has been completed, doesn’t mean we are going to go quiet on you and not talk! We want to know that the plant is working well, production is as it should be, and you are satisfied with the result of all the hard work we have both put in. If you are on a maintenance program, you will hear from us even more regularly, as we plan the servicing of the installation with you, for minimal disruption.
It really is good to talk!
At every single stage, communication is vital, and hopefully, this article conveys that – we really are a friendly bunch, so if you have a project in mind – as an existing client or new customer… talk to us!
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